O Alentejo
Calma, paz, Planícies intermináveis, Gastronomia única.....TANTO PARA VER, VIVER E SABOREAR.Calm, peace, endless plains, unique gastronomy..... SO MUCH TO SEE, TO LIVE AND TO TAST.
No Alentejo sentimo-nos como num espaço amplo que parece não ter fim.
Com a sua traça arquitectónica tão única, o Alentejo preservou todas as caractrísticas que o tornam tão único: as vilas caiadas,
os campos infinitos, a calma e a paz, o silêncio, a liberdade e acima de tudo o ar limpo que só aqui se respira.
In the Alentejo we feel like we're in a vast space that seems to have no end.
With its unique architectural features, the Alentejo has preserved all the characteristics that make it so unique: the whitewashed villas, the endless fields, the calm and peace, the silence, the freedom and above all the clean air that you can only breathe here,
the endless fields, the calm and peace, the silence, the freedom and above all the clean air that can only be breathed here.